Peer-reviewed articles and other publications
Selected general-audience works written by Yoder Lab members, and scientific publications reporting Yoder Lab research, up to date as of 9 Dec 2024. Lab members’ names are in bold; undergraduate coauthors are indicated with a *, graduate student coauthors with a †.
Perspective, and general-audience articles
Yoder JB. 2025. Coevolution, Introduction to. Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology, 2nd Edition. T Coulson, ed. Oxford: Academic Press.
Yoder JB and CI Smith. 2024. Joshua trees, yucca moths, and a natural history of interdependence. In Desert Forest: Life with Joshua Trees, S Khalsa and J Harrower, eds. Riverside, CA: Inlandia Books.
Sweet LC and JB Yoder. 2024. The threat of climate change, and how Joshua trees could survive through migration, adaptation, and assisted gene flow. In Desert Forest: Life with Joshua Trees, S Khalsa and J Harrower, eds. Riverside, CA: Inlandia Books.
Dispatches from the redwood rebellion — Review of Lyndsie Bourgon’s Tree Thieves, for Science.
We’ll have to sacrifice Joshua trees to save them — Op-ed on Joshua tree conservation needs and policy solutions, for the Los Angeles Times.
Getting to the root of forest symbioses — Review of Suzanne Simard’s Finding the Mother Tree, for Science.
A new age of gay genomics is here. Are we ready for the consequences? for Slate — Reporting on the first large-scale genomic study of sexual orientation, by Ganna et al., and reflections on the risks inherent in this line of research
Preprints and forthcoming works
Yoder JB. 2024. Don’t ask “when is it coevolution?” — ask “how?” Preprint on EcoEvoRxiv. (open access)
Peer-reviewed research articles
Yoder JB, AK Andrade*, LA DeFalco, TC Esque, CJ Carlson, DF Shryock, R Yeager, and CI Smith. 2024. Reconstructing 120 years of climate change impacts on Joshua tree flowering. Ecology Letters, 27, e14478. (open access)
Esque TC, DF Shryock, GA Berry, FC Chen, LA DeFalco, SM Lewicki, BL Cunningham, EJ Gaylord, CS Posage, GE Gantz, RA Van Gaalen, BO Gottsacker, AM McDonald, JB Yoder, CI Smith, and KE Nussear. 2023. Unprecedented distribution data for Joshua trees (Yucca brevifolia and Y. jaegeriana) reveal contemporary climate associations of a Mojave Desert icon. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 11:1266892. (open access)
Smith CI, LC Sweet, JB Yoder, MR McKain, K Heyduk, and C Barrows. 2023. Dust storms ahead: Climate change, green energy and endangered species protections for Joshua trees portend difficult conservation choices in the Mojave Desert. Biological Conservation. 277(2023): 109819. Full text (PDF, 8.6 MB)
Yoder JB, A Dang†, C MacGregor†, and M Plaza†. 2022. Plant-associate interactions and diversification across trophic levels. Evolution Letters. 6(5): 375-389. (open access)
Santangelo et al. [287 coauthors, including JB Yoder and N Poulos*, in the GLUE Project]. 2022. Global urban environmental change drives adaptation in white clover. Science. 375(6586): 1275-1281. Full text (PDF, 1.6MB)
Nelson J, A Mattheis, and JB Yoder. 2022. Nondisclosure of queer identities is associated with reduced scholarly publication rates. PLOS ONE. 17(3): 0263728. (open access)
Yoder JB, G Gomez*, and CJ Carlson. 2020. Zygomorphic flowers have fewer potential pollinators. Biology Letters. 16(9): 20200307. Data on Dryad, Full-text preprint on bioRxiv,
Briscoe Runquist RD, AJ Gorton, JB Yoder, NJ Deacon, JJ Grossman, Shan Kothari, MP Lyons, SN Seth, P Tiffin, and DA Moeller. 2020. Context dependence of local adaptation to abiotic and biotic environments: A quantitative and qualitative synthesis. American Naturalist.195(3): 412-431. Full text (PDF, 2MB) — Featured in a PNAS Journal Club post
Mahony CR, IR MacLachlan, BM Lind, JB Yoder, T Wang, SN Aitken. 2019. Evaluating genomic data for management of local adaptation in a changing climate: A lodgepole pine case study. Evolutionary Applications. 13(1):116-131. doi: 10.1111/eva.12871. Full text (PDF, 2MB)
Terrill RS JM Maley, WLE Tsai, KB Fistanic, RJ Freeland, A Franceschelli, B Lewis-Smith, LL Lu, and JB Yoder. 2019. Tricolored blackbirds feeding in Joshua tree inflorescences. Western Birds. 50: 180-182. (open access)
Mattheis A, D Cruz-Ramírez De Arellano, and JB Yoder. 2019. A model of Queer STEM identity in the workplace. Journal of Homosexuality, Full text (PDF, 1.9MB)
Yoder JB and P Tiffin. 2017. Sanctions, partner recognition, and variation in mutualism. American Naturalist. 190(4): 491-505. Data on Dryad, Full-text preprint on bioRxiv,