Joshua trees take center stage in “Desert Forest” exhibition, opening Saturday

A new exhibit at the Museum of Art and History in Lancaster, California, showcases artistic and scientific perspectives on one of the most distinctive species in the MOAH’s own back yard: Joshua trees! Desert Forest: Life with Joshua trees presents creative visual works by a diverse array of artists, in an exhibition running from September 7 to December 29. Works in the exhibition are collected in a book, also entitled Desert Forest, alongside essays on the trees’ natural history and tenuous future under threats of climate change and expanding human development into their Mojave Desert habitat — including not one but two pieces co-written by me. I’ll be joining the exhibition’s opening reception, as detailed below from the team at MOAH. Grab a free ticket to the reception to meet contributing artists, or plan a trip out to Lancaster to see their work sometime this fall!
The Desert Forest: Life with Joshua Trees exhibition, presented at the Museum of Art and History in Lancaster, California as part of the Getty PST ART: Art & Science Collide initiative sheds light on the endangered Joshua tree and the fragile Mojave Desert ecosystem that sustains it. The project integrates natural history, indigenous knowledge, public policy, scientific research, and artistic expressions to emphasize the challenges facing the Joshua tree and conservation efforts. With a focus on climate change, development, wildfires, and other threats, the exhibition explores the symbiotic relationships between Joshua trees, soil fungi, and moth pollinators, engaging a diverse audience interested in arts and environmental issues. The exhibition’s opening reception will take place on Saturday, September 7, 2024 from 2-4 PM and the exhibition will remain on view from Saturday, September 7, 2024 to Sunday, December 29, 2024.
Desert Forest: Life with Joshua Trees is among more than 70 exhibitions and programs presented as part of PST ART. Returning in September 2024 with its latest edition, PST ART: Art & Science Collide, this landmark regional event explores the intersections of art and science, both past and present. PST ART is presented by Getty. For more information about PST ART: Art & Science Collide, please visit