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These Yoder Lab presentations bring Joshua trees to Montréal for the Third Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology

The Third Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology — a collaborative meeting of the American Society of Naturalists, the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, the Society of Systematic Biologists, and the Society for the Study of Evolution — begins its in-person component in Montréal, Québec in less than two weeks. Three members of the Yoder Lab will…


Policy report: “Inclusion and Advancement of LGBTQ+ People in STEM Fields”

Last May I was invited to Washington, DC, for a symposium and workshop hosted by Northwestern University’s Institute for Sexual and Gender Minority Health and Wellbeing. Presenters in the symposium and participants in the workshop worked together to sum up the state of knowledge about lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and otherwise queer folks’ experiences in…


Talking BARTs in Bavaria

Late last summer, Colin Carlson messaged me with an unusual proposal: He’d been invited to give a workshop on Bayesian additive regression trees and embarcadero, his package of BART-training utilities for R. The workshop would be in Germany, and Colin couldn’t make that trip. But, since our current collaboration drew heavily on embardacero, could he…

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Queer meetup at #Evol2019 — “Outgroup” goes official

For years at the Evolution meetings there’s been a meetup of lesbian, gay, bi, and trans attendees — going back at least to the 90s. It’s called “Outgroup”, for the obvious phylogenetic double-entendre, and it’s operated largely unofficially. Someone would post a time and location during the meetings, over a lunch break or at a…